Thursday, February 7, 2013

Laundry Challenge Week

I decided to try out the idea of challenging myself to spend an extra 20 minutes every day on one aspect of cleaning. This week, the clean laundry has been piling up in a huge tower, the dirty laundry is constantly threatening to erupt into mould and I still haven't put the room itself back together since the great laundry transformation where we added a shower at Christmas time. So 7 days of laundry challenge it is! Today I set the oven timer for 20 minutes and went for it! I got all the towels folded, and discovered there wasn't much more to the clean clothes once they were cleared! The wash load in the machine got put in the dryer, and I tidied up the dirty pile of towels and clothes that built up, ready to put on more washing during the day. A second load is in the machine now. I feel so good having done this, and am beginning to see how its possible with time allocation to actually keep up. For some reason, I really *need* the time set, I felt good simply walking away, even though it wasn't completely finished, I could step away from the room, knowing I'd done more in the laundry today than any other day in the past week! I feel like its a bit of a breakthrough about how to make sure daily jobs get done. Allow the same amount of uninterupted time (or mosty uninterrupted) every day, for different tasks, regardless of what else is happening in life. I'll be checking back on this theory! In the meantime, today's challenge was to spend 20 minutes in the laundry. Tomorrow I am going to find some aspect of the laundry to focus on. In my case it will probably be clearing the contents of the laundry off my back verandah (which roughly translates to clean out the cupboards!)

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