Friday, June 7, 2013

Maintaining Happiness - Friendship

Something that has done nothing but boost my happiness levels has been good buddies.  Having friends who have a shared dialogue with my passions has been a major part of the support system that keeps my happiness high!  Having my 'walking mates' who share a text message every time we exercise sounds so mundane, but it is wonderful to feel valued, and to appreciate other's efforts. The walking mates have provided me with a sense of shared purpose with these great friends who are thousands of kilometers away, but near in heart.

The 'bruce buds' I'm making friends with through facebook and twitter are also a source of camraderie and amusement as I become increasingly envious of the fabulous European tour of Wrecking Ball :)

Spending extra time with local friends has been terrific too, to share hugs, tears, and in the last couple of months, one special friend and I have done a bit of hanging out at each others' houses, lending a bit of hand with the housework, or just some mutually Bruce Springsteen appreciative moments!

I've made new friends through my daughter's playgroup, kept in better contact with old friends, and generally felt more balanced with the community and my circles than I have in ages.  It is amazing how what seems like small efforts make a large difference to overall happiness levels!

We've made a huge effort as a family also to prioritise seeing my father, and are all appreciating that special time with someone who has been dear to us in the past 10 years that we've been living close by especially.

Like my 'Bruce happiness' I find it very hard to articulate the wonderful positives that come with a sense of belonging and kinship with friends and close family, so again, I'll leave it to the music!

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